Workshop in computability, complexity and randomness

De Computability.

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The workshop in computability, complexity and randomness is intended to promote the collaboration among scientists in computability in France and in Europe.


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Goals of the workshop

The meetings of the workshop are not seminars (in seminars speakers come to present some results but not the details of proofs or techniques) but want to show proof techniques or open problems (not necessary very deep question).

Each meeting will be divided in two parts:

  • During the first part a speaker introduce some results or idée AND the complete proofs. This part is like a master course (or a supervised work) and the public is invited to speak to unravel each understanding problem. The length is not strictly fixed but experiences show that 90 minutes is a maximum for a participative talk.
  • The second part is an open forum and everybody can present some questions, idea or his current work. This forum should be last 30 minutes.

So each meeting last approximately 2 hours.

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